This is my individual exhibit that was shown twice during 2010. A review published by local media is presented below:
What connects this group of paintings is the composition of images established by chromatic relationships between extremely saturated elements. Plain and pure colors are placed in the same space with modeled and complete figurative elements that imitate traditional painting´s form of representation but contrast with gestural and precarious components that abate Apollonian aspects. The artist attempts to establish visual effects that only oil painting can obtain in terms of its material properties, which clearly differ from the resolution of photography and digital images; and he responds to this premise by questioning how to represent the human figure. These paintings seek equilibrium between imitation and pictorial credibility, with the aim of creating images that speak for themselves as far as representational resources are concerned.
The exhibited work here deals with issues of the body and sexuality in the context of capitalist western culture, which determines social patterns and conducts, develops false desires and invasively attempts to homogenize thinking. In this case, sexual desire is imposed by a homogenous system that invades, destroys, distorts and subordinates. These paintings convey a marginal discourse, displaying transvestites with crude feminine characteristics; indigenous people disguised behind the eroticism of pop culture, foreign to their identity; and over-sexualized feminine figures, unaware of their own deformities. These individuals are marginalized by their appearances that keep them enslaved. They do not coincide with the profile society has designated for them and do not belong to the developed world´s ideals. Their twisted appearances contrast with society´s ideals of sensuality, thinness, subtlety, and the socially accepted body, which are components that supposedly nurture happiness. Throughout, the topic of pain is present, originating from our sexualized nature, frustrations, failure with love, and prohibited and chastised eroticism, which when freed comes out sick and deformed. Overall, they reflect the consequences that repression exercises on people in a pragmatic and materialistic society.
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